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Navigation Lights Panel


Böning has been for many years crafting a reliable navigation lights panel that can be customized. Navigation Lights are used to indicate the size of a ship, its angle, direction of travel and whether the ship is anchored. These lights are crucial to proper operation of a vessel and for the most part, required to operate. We offer a great option to be customized for your vessel.


The space saving operation panels are available in 2 standard sizes, for cut-out 150mm x 150mm (5.9 in x 5.9 in) or 294mm x 150mm (11.5 in x 5.9 in), with an installation depth of 80 mm (3.1 in). If you place your order, the front plate is printed as requested by the customer, so that every project receives an individualized control unit.

With the AHD-DPS 02 BS, we are able to offer all of the features that are necessary and hold certifications such as DNV-GL, Lloyd's Register, and several others; so you can trust the reliability of our navigation lights panels. Some of the features include:

  • Compatible with lights 24 VDC, 115 VAC and 230 VAC

  • Control and monitoring of 14 lamp circuits, extendable by maximum of 4 extension modules AHD-DPS02 A07 for a total of 42 lamp circuits

  • Store each light running hours and switching cycles

  • ModBus RTU (RS422 or RS485) output for external monitoring

About Böning USA

Böning USA specializes in Navigation Lights Panel to keep your vessel in the water, with a reliable system the safety of your trips are enhanced. With many products and services, our team can fit your vessel with the proper equipment.

if you are interested in purchasing or learning more about our products feel free to give us a call at (561) 372-9894 and follow us on social media.

Navigation Lights Panel



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